Roby and The Superhero Robots: Roby teaches even our youngest of readers the importance of giving the gift of life.
I want to put 1,000 Roby the Robot books in the hands of eye banks across America by the end of this summer. My hope is that eye banks can utilize Roby as a learning tool to get the message of Organ, Tissue and Eye donation to our youngest of readers. In this whimsical story, Roby learns he is losing his x-ray vision from something called a ‘cloudy cornea’. With a little help from a superhero robot, Roby’s vision is restored and he even gains laser vision! Roby learns firsthand the benefits of eye donation, which enables him to return to his normal childhood adventures of saving the planets from aliens.
A Me Without We

Join in the adventures of identical twin sisters Eva and Neva
Book 1 in the series:The Adventures of Twins By Eva Jo Sombathy is Pigs in a Puddle. Eva and Neva work together to solve a little dilemma on their grandparents’ farm.
Introducing Eva and Neva: Eva twirled in her tutu in front of the mirror. Her tutu and ballet shoes were both the exact same shade of pink. “I’m the best ballerina in my dance class,” she said, holding a sparkly wand with ribbons.Neva stomped around the house in her cowboy boots and carried her lasso. “I’m not afraid of anything,” she announced. “I love playing outside.”The eight-year-old twins looked identical, only their parents could tell them apart. They loved having adventures and playing with each other. But their personalities were certainly not identical. Oh the adventures and fun you will have as you read book one in this five-book series: The Adventures of Identical Twin Sisters Eva and Neva.
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A ME WITHOUT WE, by Eva Sombathy, twin to Neva
When a book has touched my heart to the extent where I have to put it down for a few days, I know it’s a good one. The author affected me this way numerous times in her writing and after a while, I just let the tears flow, continuing to turn the pages until I had read it all. Eva has totally captured the essence of twinship in this wonderful book – how she lost her twin, Neva, tragically to cancer, how close they were throughout their lives, the battle her sweet beloved twin fought and lost. The fact she was so lost and did not know how she was going to be a “me” instead of a “we”. She also shows us how there is hope and healing after twin loss – you live with them in your heart guiding you through life’s journey until you meet again.
There are many “treats” afforded the reader in A ME WITHOUT WE. The author tells the stories of other twinless twins in their own words. She tries to give comfort to the grieving twin with advice of a counselor from questions of other twinless twins. She also gives resources twins can go to get help and offers advice on things she learned about loss from other twins who have already been on the journey.
A ME WITHOUT WE is a must read for twins who have lost their twins, family and friends. This gets a 5 Star from me!
Dawn Barnett, twin to Daryl