Florida Author writes Children’s book Inspired by 9 -year-old Dayton, Ohio artist
The Adventures of Twins: Pigs in a Puddle inspired by 9-year-old Dayton artist.By: Eva Jo Sombathy

Pigs in a Puddle inspired by I’lahn Hull
DAYTON, Ohio – Oct. 8, 2019 – PRLog — New children’s book inspired by 9-year-old Dayton Ohio resident I’lahn Hull. Florida Author Eva Jo Sombathy set to visit Dayton and Columbus, Ohio October 24th-28th and will present Ms. Hull with her copy of the book inspired by her artwork.
9-year-old I’lahn Hull of Dayton, Ohio is an aspiring artist who will soon discover just how much her artwork has inspired a Florida Author.
I’lahn loves to create with paint. She was inspired to create for others at a very young age. Her Mom, Kailoni Hull, has been supporting her passion and encouraging her to use her art as a form of expression. I’lahn paints for donations so she can attend art camp.
In 2018 I’lahn created a canvas painting for her mom’s friend who lived on a farm. The painting depicted a farm life with farm animals. I’lahn had no idea that when Eva Jo Sombathy received the painting it would have such a profound impact on Mrs. Sombathy.
Mrs. Sombathy had suffered a terrible loss of her twin sister to cancer. When she received the painting it lifted her spirits and reminded her of a fond memory she shared with her twin on the family farm. Mrs. Sombathy writes ” When I opened the painting it automatically took me to a place I shared with my sister. It was so moving” She goes on to say, “I’lahn may not be old enough to understand how art can inspire others by giving them new ideas like writing a book or thinking outside the box and creating something out of the ordinary but I hope she continues painting and inspiring others.”
Written by Eva Jo Sombathy, The Adventures of Twins: Pigs in a Puddle is book one in a series of children’s books Mrs. Sombathy will release. Pigs in a Puddle is dedicated to I’lahn Hull. Mrs. Sombathy will be attending a Barnes and Nobles Book signing October 24th, 2019 from 4-6 pm with the book in Columbus, Ohio. Over 75 Author Academy Elite Authors will be on location at the Barnes and Nobles in the Polaris Mall.
The Adventures of Twins: Pigs in a Puddle was released this summer and Readers can get their copy on Amazon or the author’s website. For further information visit: https://amewithoutwe.com
Media Contact: Eva Jo Sombathy
Email: [email protected]
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Eva Jo Sombathy